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Some Generic Tips on Numerology and You


Updated: Apr 7, 2020

1) Amounts should be always kept in odd figure such as 25000, 50000. (F.D.s should be in kept in odd figures)

2) We should use the luck of odd ruling number for investments in any business.

3) We should use the luck of even ruling number for investments in any field related to art or creativity.

4) Black in non favourable colour for all ruling numbers.

5) Blue is favourable colour for all ruling numbers.

6) For education purpose irrespective of ruling number, we should prefer numbers 3 and 5.

7) Triads are very powerful. We will be successful in partnership with people belonging to same triad.

8) Kids with ruling number 2 and 7 should not be forced for choosing their career. They should be given full freedom to choose their career. They will be less successful in a profession if it is not of their choice.

9) People with ruling number 4 and 8 should avoid gambling and investment in shares.

10) Black clothes should not be worn on Saturday.

11) Vehicles with red and black colour are less favourable.

12) 8, 17, 26 are less favourable dates for all the ruling numbers.

13) For study or office purpose, we should seat facing East-West.

14) Right hand side of table should be kept empty for more success and gaining opportunities.

15) Age 44 is less lucky for all ruling numbers. The person should be more careful in terms of health, wealth from the beginning to end of age 44.

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