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Palm Reading

April Numeroscope

Ruling number 1 (1,10,19,28)

This will be a moderate month. You might not understand what is exactly going on in your life. Your life will become methodical. It will be difficult month to get clarity in any important topic. Lots of confusion is indicated. Anger issues are possible. Keep calm. You may have arguments related with logic with others. Keep understanding approach. Don’t argue for proving your points. 

Wear white, yellow and gold colours.

Health issues- Heat and acidity related problems are indicated. Avoid cold beverages. Avoid spicy food. 

Ruling number 2 (2, 11, 20, 29)

Moderate month. There may be quarrels on emotional issues or on account of ill-health. You must be tactful and avoid use of force to settle down issues. You will be having emotional issues. Changes will be connected to your professional field. You will get new ideas and will have some innovative techniques related with work. Possibility of illness.

Wear blue and white colours.

Health issues- Cold related problems are indicated. Try to everything fresh and hot. 

Ruling number 3 (3, 12, 21, 30)

This is good month. Avoid arguments. You will get some good luck in important work for which waiting for a long time. This is a time to express your creativity with some new techniques. Try to be detached with small problems. Some unknown problems will arise so you should have a backup plan for all important days/ occasions. 

Wear violet, yellow, pink and goldencolours.

Health issues- Fever, chest pain and cough related problems are indicated. 

Ruling number 4 (4, 13, 22, 31)

Troubling month. You will not understand the flow of your energy. Financially it is a good month. You have to take major decisions and have a cumulative outlook. Avoid being moody. Your energy levels will be low so try to manage things with intelligence.The practical and disciplined approach will be helpful. Keep compromising attitude. There will be lesser outcome than inputs but keep patience and be positive. There will be extremity in the success. People will trouble you on extremity. So either neglect or adjust with them.

Wear blue, white, silver and yellow colours. 

Health issues- ENT related problems. Avoid oily and spicy food. Sleep and rest are the best medicines.

Ruling number 5 (5, 14, 23)

The focus is on domestic matters and business. You will be irritated on small topics. You may find it difficult to express your ideas. You will be forced to accept responsibility and devote more time and energy to the family. Your pending work will be completed soon. Absolutely avoid red. Avoid force to settle the issues. 

Wear white, green, silver and cream colours.

Health issues- Emotional problems will lead to health issues. 

Ruling number 6 (6, 15, 24)

You will be having cheerful outlook. New changes might upset you. Sudden changes will make your life kiosk. Compromising approach will give you more success. Emotional issues are indicated so please maintain patience. Financially good month. Be careful while driving. Do think about feelings of others.  

Wear blue, orange and pink colours.

Health issues- Digestion related problems. Emotional issues may lead to illness. 

Ruling number 7 (7, 16, 25)

This is a good month in which some changes will take place and you have to take future related decisions and start thinking about your working style.You will be having lots of new ideas and opportunities in this month. Try to be disciplined and practical. You must maintain patience. Avoid being moody. Learn new things which will give you emotional satisfaction. You may face some unexpected troubles so keep your plans flexible. 

Wear green, yellow, silver and blue colours. 

Health issues- Keep calm and eat carefully. 

Ruling number 8 (8, 17, 26)

This is a difficult month in which great changes take place and you have to take major decisions and start thinking regarding future. You must avoid friction as rifts begun between will be very troublesome. Avoid being hasty. Keep calm and talk less.You may face logical difference with your loved ones which will create misunderstanding.

Wear lavender, white, green and white colours.

Health issues- heat related problems are indicated. Be careful while handling of hot things.Avoid spicy and non-veg food.

Ruling number 9 (9, 18, 27)

This is a good month. Avoid rash driving. Emotional and psychological issues are indicated. You may face logical difference with your loved ones which will create misunderstanding.You will be easy going and cheerful. Avoid show business. You should think practically on your problems. Suddenly your life can turn to extreme good/ bad condition. Be modest. Compromising approach will give you more success. 

Wear white and yellow colours. 

Health issues- Digestion and head related problems are indicated. Avoid alcohol and spicy food. 

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